
Refund/Cancellation Policy

Cancellation/ Refund Policy

We at brainboxschool.com respect its users and are always eager to assist them to have valuable educational products. We try to fulfill the complete user satisfaction as its one of our qualities.

Leaving the quantity aside, we believe in quality based educational stuff for competitive exams. Before reaching out to our audience, our products go through several processes of testing. Although we acknowledge ‘No Refund policy’, in some cases we offer the full advantage to the customers.

Conditions Under The Refund Policy Are As Follow:

In the case of E-book/content/videos/services in our website purchasing, if you paid full amount and did not get your product, full money will be refunded.

Note: There will be no refund if you have your product in your profile page.

Refunds will be made in case of technical issues due to which you are unable to access the educational material. First, we will try to solve those technical issues and if the issues remain the same, we will refund money.

We value your relationship with us and we will be glad to grow your learning experience. For more information, queries and product details get in touch with us at [email protected] and call us at +91-7981413448. We will get back to you as soon as possible.